In this “weekly webinar” that I host for Certified Mental Wellness Coaches (CMWCs), we talked about the “Mental Wellness Economy” and the recently-released report from the Global Wellness Institute.
We also went thru some data from the Nov 2023 issue of Nutrition Business Journal (NBJ) – where they dive into what is happening in the “mood, sleep, and brain” category – with a special emphasis on the emergence of the Microbiome and the Gut-Brain-Axis as scientifically-valid approaches to improving Mental Wellness.
You can watch the recorded webinar video HERE – and download the slides that I used (below).
Here is a transcript of our discussion…
00:00:01.730 –> 00:00:12.910
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Yeah, recorded the cloud. So hey, everybody. So like we normally do, I know, there’s gonna be a lot of new people in here tonight. So let me just orient everybody to what we do on these
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: on these weekly webinars or semi weekly webinars. Sometimes we we change them around be based on my travel schedule. If you guys would do me a favor, let me know if you want to do one next week or not want to do one next week. It’s Thanksgiving week, right? So in the United States, a lot of people are gonna be traveling or with family and friends and things like that. So Wednesday night, the night before Thanksgiving is probably not a very popular time to do it.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: I could potentially hold one on Tuesday night. If people are interested in doing that, so if you, if you, if you want one, if you you know I’m I’m I’m happy to do that. Let me know in the in the discussion area, or or shoot me a text or an email or something like that so tonight I don’t wanna start showing my slides until right at the top of the hour, so that you know people who are who are scrambling to get in here.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: can can do that. But what we typically do on this webinar, if this is your first time doing this, it’s always recorded. So if you can’t catch it, live, you know, if you’re in a part of the world where this time does not work for you. You can, you can watch it on replay. These are all recorded and archived in the zoom section of canvas, which is the which is the platform that we run this this
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: this course through through Marriotta College. Sometimes if I think that the topic that we have is
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: interesting for sort of a wider audience that you know wider audience than just certified mental wellness coaches. I will often post the recording also on Youtube and post it on my blog. So that’s what I’m gonna do with this one. So this will be available
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: sometime tomorrow morning. Probably it’s gonna be available on Youtube. It’s gonna be available on my blog bestfuture, so that you guys can share it out to other people that might not have access to the you know, to the to the private area on canvas that we that we were reserved just for just for certified mental wellness. Coaches? And I think that’s I think that’s important sometimes, because, you know, we’ve done that with Webinars where I’ve talked about.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: You know the case against Melatonin. I’ve done that when we talk about, you know, like an introduction to the microbiome and the gut brain access and its role in mental wellness things that are sort of more more broadly interesting to a you know, to a wider audience. I think I think that’s I think that’s important to get get the information out to as much, you know, to as many people as possible. So we’ll do that with this one tonight, because what I’m gonna talk about
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: I’ve got a couple of slides that I’ll show in just a just a few minutes from the Global Wellness Institute’s new report that that that that came out. And I’m really gonna focus on. I’m gonna focus on the mental wellness economy and you’ll see why in just a second. And then, a few days ago, nutrition business journal
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: release their November issue. And it’s all about mood and sleep and brain health and gut brain access. And I think you’ll be interested in their perspective. So nutrition business journal is sort of like the Wall Street Journal for the nutraceutical industry, and for the and for the supplement industry and for the nutrition industry as a whole. So they take a very
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: business oriented view on what we do with natural products. Okay, so they have a, they actually have a different view on the mental wellness economy than the Global Wellness Institute. And I wanna I wanna unpack that for you. So I can. I can show you why, you know why different organizations have different views on it. So before we jump into that, let me let me go up here. So Lisa Helmers has her hand up, so let me ask her to unmute, and we’ll see.
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Lisa Hellmers: We’ll see what’s on your mind. Lisa. Hey?
00:03:42.860 –> 00:03:51.799
Lisa Hellmers: I’m fairly new. I’ve been with Amari for about going on 5 months, and I have a customer who is pregnant.
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Lisa Hellmers: and she’s on antidepressants wants to get off, but
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Lisa Hellmers: she’s asking me
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: what supplements she should start with, and I’m not sure what to tell her. Yeah. So a a any, any supplements are going to be safer than the antidepressants that she’s on right now, you know. So that’s the that’s that’s the first thing. Second thing is, you might want to go to my blog and go into the go into the blog section and and type in Happy Mama.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: And what you’re gonna get is a is a post that I did. That talks all about what supplements II recommend for pregnant women, and importantly, what supplements I recommend for post pregnant women, and the and the and the reason for that. And that’s it. It’s it’s a. It’s a whole hour going into the details. What you basically wanna do is make sure that that mom nourishes her microbiome throughout the course of her pregnancy.
00:04:43.710 –> 00:05:07.059
Dr. Shawn Talbott: because during pregnancy the microbiome is gonna get less and less diverse, so that she can deliver a low diversity microbiome to the baby, and then in the baby, the microbiome and the immune system sort of educate each other. They grow up together right. They they learn from each other, they teach each other. And so that baby develops a strong microbiome and a strong immune system. If the mom doesn’t
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: bounce back her, her low diversity microbiome to a high diversity microbiome. She’s at really high risk for developing postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety. So I absolutely recommend that they supplement with probiotics and prebiotics, and they eat, you know, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and they get their fiber and all that kind of stuff during pregnancy. I also like them to get omega threes. I also like them to get all their vitamins.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: especially folic acid. So all of that is listed out in that, in that blog post and in that in that video, if you decide, you want to do a do, a deep dive in there. Okay? So yeah. Look for look for happy, mama, and you’ll and you’ll find all the all the details. Okay.
00:05:46.880 –> 00:05:47.860
Lisa Hellmers: thank you.
00:05:47.860 –> 00:05:54.199
Dr. Shawn Talbott: All right, sure thing, and let me go. Let me go to Julianne, and then and then I’ll start talking about the slides that I want.
00:05:58.130 –> 00:06:01.330
Julianne Muhlestein: Hi! Thank you.
00:06:01.710 –> 00:06:23.129
Julianne Muhlestein: II pulled over. My! My daughter had struggles with having some acne that flares every time her menstrual period comes around. So do you have recommendations with that based being based, I guess, on hormones. Right?
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Julianne Muhlestein: She’s 20.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: Oh, okay, okay, so a lot of times you’ll see that, you know. You know, period acne happening in, you know. Teenagers, you know, 12 year olds 13 year olds 14 year olds. But if she’s 21 of the things that she might wanna do is is just try the the ignite for her product from Amari. So ignite for her has has several ingredients that help to balance different hormones. So shada vari. That’s gonna help to balance estrogen fenugreek that’s gonna help to balance testosterone. And then a couple of other herbs that
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going to help with sort of energy and stress and tension and things like that. But those 2 Shodaari for estrogen and
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: and Finnegreek for for testosterone, can really help to to rebalance what gets out of balance during during periods. Right? So some girls will have acne, some will have heavy heavy blood flow. Some will have
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: cramps and bloating, some will have terrible mood swings. And so if you can normalize that hormone fluctuation, you’re not, gonna you’re not gonna completely prevent it. It’s those hormones are still gonna fluctuate. But if you can modulate that fluctuation so they’re not quite as high and not quite as low. Sort of keep them in a in a regulated range. A lot of that will alleviate so I actually, just, I actually just posted something on Instagram and tick tock.
00:07:44.500 –> 00:08:06.210
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Very thing about modulating these hormones. It’s a it’s an effect called an it called an adaptogenic effect. So if you were low in estrogen, it. It would help bring it up. If you were high in estrogen, it would help to bring it down. So it really is a true regulating effect, and we see we see that it can help a lot of a lot of girls and women with with those with those excessive fluctuations.
00:08:06.230 –> 00:08:07.860
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Does that help Julianne.
00:08:07.910 –> 00:08:17.060
Julianne Muhlestein: that does. Thank you. At what age would you say that would? So I have. I have more than one daughter. Would you say,
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: yeah, what age would you say? Would that be effective in a good plan? Yeah, I think II think it. I mean, as soon as soon as they go into puberty, really, because the because the fluctuations and I say this, for I say this for girls who might be interested in ignite for her. And I say it for boys who would be interested in night for him. You don’t want a boys testosterone levels fluctuating like crazy, either, because when it’s high. It’s gonna make them irritated and aggressive. And when it’s low, it’s gonna make them sad and depressed.
00:08:44.710 –> 00:09:01.880
Dr. Shawn Talbott: And so you know, you wanna keep that in in normal lines. So I really think, like, if it were my kids. My kids are now a little bit older. But actually, both my kids, my daughter is 25, and my son is 22. They both take ignite for him and her and if they were younger, if they were, you know.
00:09:01.990 –> 00:09:06.339
Dr. Shawn Talbott: you know, going through puberty right now, I would. I would recommend those products for them, too.
00:09:08.340 –> 00:09:09.350
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Okay.
00:09:09.940 –> 00:09:21.400
Dr. Shawn Talbott: yes, thank you. Alright awesome. So let me go in here, and I’m gonna try to share my screen. Let’s see if I can do this off my laptop. And I wanna get this guy.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: And I wanna talk a little bit about. So I talked about this last week very, very briefly.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: there, can someone give me a thumbs up if you can see my screen. Okay, it just should just be one slide. This is mental wellness. Economy. Okay, great. Thank you very much. So last week I showed you just one chart from this report that just came out. So here’s the report from the from the Global Wellness Institute. They released this report every single year. The Global Wellness Institute’s been around for
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: more than 50 years, right? And and they have been looking at different sectors of the overall wellness
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: space back in the day 50 years ago. Wellness meant you, you know. You would go to a Spa, you know. You go. You go off someplace, you know. Nice retreat. You’d pay a lot of money. You’d eat food. Maybe we’re there to lose weight. Maybe you’re there to get a massage. Maybe we’re there to get pampered. That’s what wellness was back in the day. And now it’s a lot more than just spas. It’s it’s all of these you can see all these little bubbles
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: here. So wellness tourism is A is is still a big piece of this wellness. Real estate is getting to be a a huge piece of it. So right now I’m in Cancun, Mexico, and all around us are these resorts where you’ll have a hotel section, and then you’ll have a residential section where you can. You can buy a place you can. You know. You can buy a condo and come there, and they have all these wellness or
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: wellness amenities right? You can. You know you can get your massages, and you can, you know, have healthy food, and you can have access to the beach and the jungle and all this kind of stuff. So this is exploding around the world. We’re all obviously gonna gonna focus on the mental wellness piece which, in comparison to some of these other bubbles is is small, but it’s rapidly, rapidly growing, but they break it out into physical activity. Healthy eating and nutrition, weight loss, traditional complementary medicine.
00:11:18.630 –> 00:11:43.619
Dr. Shawn Talbott: And in this report, which is I which I have uploaded into the discussion section of canvas and I’ve uploaded these slides that I’m using into the discussion section of camp of canvas. So you guys can download them and have them in your personal library if you want to. They they add all these different bullet all these different bubbles up. And they peg the global wellness economy at at almost 6 trillion dollars 5.6
00:11:43.620 –> 00:12:14.889
Dr. Shawn Talbott: trillion in 2,022. So that’s a huge huge number, right? And you can see how big each one of these are, you know? You know, the beauty category is a trillion dollars. Physical activity is almost a trillion dollars, healthy eating, nutrition, weight loss over trillion dollars. So there’s some serious money being spent in all of these different areas. Mental wellness right now is 181 billion in 2023 where we are right now, it’s right around 200 billion. I think you can see that on the next slide.
00:12:15.130 –> 00:12:35.760
Dr. Shawn Talbott: No, you can see it. You can see it in one of these slides. I know II have the specific numbers. I wanted to share this one with you, because it shows that all of these different categories are growing that tells us something really, really important. It tells us that the average person, not just the affluent, but the average person around the globe is.
00:12:35.760 –> 00:12:47.689
Dr. Shawn Talbott: is interested in wellness. They’re interested in every aspect of wellness you know of. Obviously this one. This wellness real estate is is sort of more of A, of A, of A, of an affluent client. But
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: some of these other ones can be, can be, can be free in a lot of ways, right a lot of the modules that we have in the certified mental wellness. Coach K curriculum. Talk about exposing yourself to nature, which is free, or a lot of forms of physical activity are free, or breathwork is free, you know. So there’s lots of things that we can do that are that are that are extremely low cost. In fact, we’re putting together a program at Amra.
00:13:13.210 –> 00:13:27.729
Dr. Shawn Talbott: where you know, in Plymouth, Massachusetts, my wife and I run the Amari Wellness center, and we have people come there, and they, you know, stay at the rooms and they get healthy breakfast, and they have our the wellness, modalities, and things like that. But a lot of those wellness modalities are
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: are high tech, you know. They’re things that activate your vagus nerve, or they’re really expensive massage chairs or their float beds that cost, you know, $30,000 or red light therapy walls or infrared saunas. And that’s not something that the average person is necessarily gonna have access to. But we’re setting up wellness centers. Here in Mexico, in Chiopus, which is which is the far southern part
00:13:52.730 –> 00:14:15.219
Dr. Shawn Talbott: of Mexico, where they are. Dirt, dirt, poor and you know we have a we have. We have some, some educational programs that go on there. We have some nutrition programs that go on there. We’re gonna put in some some mental wellness modalities there. Same thing in Zambia, Africa. We have a partnership with an organization called Mothers without borders. That helps
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: orphaned children and moms with same same sorts of things, you know, education and and and good nutrition, and things like that. But the things that we’re gonna put into Chiapas, Mexico and Zambia Africa are gonna be very different than the high tech things that we’ll put into other places right? So in in those in those sort of you know, lower income areas, we’re gonna focus on things like sound therapies where we use music, and we use vibrations. And we use, you know.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: singing bowls, and we use gongs, and we use drums and things like that along with
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: mindfulness. And you know, sort of Yoga techniques and deep breathing, which is a way to activate the vagus nerve. So there’s all kinds of things that we can do that are easier for for people to access at a low cost versus some of these sort of whizbang things that are out there. But what I really wanted to focus on here is that all of these areas are growing, but the ones that are growing sort of
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: at a higher than average level.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: real estate tourism, mineral spas, and mental wellness. So you can see the number here on average, 12.8% is year over year for the next bunch of years is the is the prediction which is, which is really good for us as certified mental wellness coaches right? It means that our, our our base of clients is likely to just be growing and growing and growing, which is, gonna be good for all of our businesses. This is what the mental wellness projections look like per projections for the mental wellness
00:15:49.290 –> 00:16:12.569
Dr. Shawn Talbott: section of the overall wellness economy. This is the slide that I shared with you guys last week. So here’s where we were. In 2,000,000,000,000. 2,280 billion. Here’s where we are right now in 2,023, a little bit over 200 billion. But then you project this out, you know, 12 or 13% year over year over year growth. And we’re talking about in 2,027.
00:16:12.570 –> 00:16:33.160
Dr. Shawn Talbott: You know, 330 billion dollars. And that’s that’s a pretty sizable market, right? We’re starting to reach, you know. Pretty, you know, pretty pretty serious numbers here, and it’s important to understand that it’s not just a United States. It’s not just let me go in here real quick. We’ve got a little bit of background. Let me see if I can
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: let me see if I can figure out how to mute everybody here.
00:16:38.080 –> 00:16:39.050
Dr. Shawn Talbott: He
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: a
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: darn it.
00:16:54.000 –> 00:16:55.120
Dr. Shawn Talbott: this
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: participants.
00:17:03.530 –> 00:17:08.560
Dr. Shawn Talbott: I’m gonna mute everybody. And then you guys can unmute yourself when you need to talk. Okay, there we go.
00:17:08.690 –> 00:17:32.029
Dr. Shawn Talbott: So it’s important to understand. This isn’t just a Us thing. It’s not just a North American thing. It’s not just like I was talking about before. It’s not just an affluent thing, right where it’s only first world parts of the of the world. First world countries that are that are participating in this. It’s happening in every single part of the globe. So you can see here, you know, no matter if you look at
00:17:32.030 –> 00:17:57.009
Dr. Shawn Talbott: North America, Asia, Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North Africa and sub-saharan Africa. They’re all increasing. They’re all projected to increase over the you know, year over year, over year, over year. And then, when you look at the top, 20 around the world, United States is far and away, sort of sort of the leaders in this in this area. But you know China’s big. Canada’s big Germany is big.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: Big Turkey is big Mexico, where I am right now is big, you know, so you don’t see any of these falling back
00:18:06.440 –> 00:18:22.950
Dr. Shawn Talbott: from 2020 to 2022, and I think you’ll see the same thing, 2022 to 2024, and etc., etc. So it really is this, this global phenomenon, which is which is really really cool. I mentioned on the call last week that
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: and I’m not showing this particular chart right now. But met the mental wellness sub category was the only one to grow through the pandemic right? And that makes that sort of makes obvious sense right? Everybody was stressed out. People weren’t sleeping well, people were off their schedules, you know all that kind of stuff. So people became aware of their mental wellness was a was something that they needed to attend to, and so that was great that it grew through the pandemic.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: But it hasn’t come down post pandemic. It has continued to grow, and has continued to grow in these 4 main categories. So this is how
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: the Global Wellness Institute sort of sub
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: categorizes each one of these sections. So senses, spaces, and sleep. Some of the some of the
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: some of the retreats, and some of the wellness tourism and some of the the the the the real estate is is here right that you would go, and you would. You would buy a mental wellness, condo, or you would go to a mental wellness retreat, or you would try to set up the environment in your own bedroom to to give you good good quality. Sleep right? So that’s what that’s what this one is, and you can see how this one you can see how this one is, you know, growing about 10%.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: This is where most people, what mo most people like us like certified mental wellness coaches. Think when you, when we, when we think about this category, we think about the nutraceuticals and the and the botanicals. This one’s growing very robustly, you know, over 14%.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: Self-improvement is a big part of what we’re doing right getting people to feel better and getting people to level up so that they can have better mental performance and physical performance. What we refer to as mental fitness in this course that’s growing very robustly. But then the average person out there in the world, I think if you ask them what mental wellness was all about, they would only think about this last one. They
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: would only think that mental wellness is meditation and mindfulness and Yoga classes, and, you know, apps like calm and headspace, and things like that that’s also growing. But it’s it’s it’s actually a a fairly small piece of the overall puzzle. So you can see what some of these numbers look like, you know, if you look at you know the what, what most people would think of meditation, mindfulness.
00:20:41.980 –> 00:21:06.129
Dr. Shawn Talbott: It’s really a pretty small number. Here’s it. Here’s it’s 2.8 billion here in 20. 20 it’s 3.5 billion. It’s growing. But it’s still a pretty small number, 4 billion out of 180 billion in in 2022, you know, real estate’s expensive. So that’s why this is such a big number. But then these these 2 here, where I think a lot of you probably focus your
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: coaching businesses on the supplement piece and the self Improvement piece. That’s that, I think, is the sweet spot that’s that’s where it’s really gonna be growing. So I think that’s probably my last slide in here. So let me stop that share and I’m gonna see, are there any questions about that? Because I’m gonna drastically change gears now and go to the
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: the Nutrition Business Journal. Report there any questions about that. The mental wellness economy from the from the Global Wellness Institute.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: Okay, so let me go back here and do a screen share again.
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: And I’m going to share this.
00:21:42.430 –> 00:22:07.379
Dr. Shawn Talbott: So what I’ve done here. So every month II have a subscription to to the Nutrition Business Journal. I get this sent to me every month, like I said at the top of the call. They’re kind of like the Wall Street Journal. They are the. They are the business newspaper for the nutrition industry. And so, you know, sometimes they’ll talk about. You know the weight loss sector. Sometimes they’ll talk about the vitamins and mineral sectors.
00:22:07.380 –> 00:22:22.859
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Sometimes they’ll talk about the sport nutrition sector. Sometimes they’ll talk about different channels of distribution, right? So they’ll talk about the Mlm Channel or the direct channel, or the influencer channel, or the health Practitioner Channel, or the retail retail channel.
00:22:22.860 –> 00:22:49.720
Dr. Shawn Talbott: This one that came out this month in November. Is all about is all about. What is the title of this 10, I don’t see the title on here, but it’s about mood and sleep and brain boosting. And so what I’ve done here is I’ve gone through and highlighted a couple of relevant articles from this overall report, and I’m just gonna go through what those highlights are, and and step you through it. And then we can. We can discuss it afterwards. So
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: try to think of this in the context of what I just explained to you. Right? So global Wellness Institute is saying, oh, my gosh, the wellness instit, or the wellness economy is exploding around the globe, especially the mental wellness sector is growing in all channels around the country or around the world. It it, you know it it. We we have very robust growth in those top 20 markets, the Us. And Canada, and etc., etc., etc.
00:23:18.980 –> 00:23:41.069
Dr. Shawn Talbott: And then you come here and you see, Nbj. Is talking about how consumers are pulling back from sleep and mood and mental health supplements while brain health sores. So the the headlines in this got me to go. Oh, my gosh! I gotta look at this report and see what the deal is. It’s really interesting that nutrition business journal is basically pegging
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Dr. Shawn Talbott: the sleep category and the mood category, as Melatonin and Cbd.
00:23:48.440 –> 00:24:11.430
Dr. Shawn Talbott: that are, those are the huge drivers of sales in this category. And so, if those, if though if sales of those go down, the whole category goes down, which I think is really really interesting. So here you can see declining Cbd sales, negative headlines around Melatonin, especially for for its use. Long term in children.
00:24:11.430 –> 00:24:24.530
Dr. Shawn Talbott: I’m not gonna go through all the different numbers this has been posted in the discussion section. So you can go through and read the you know, read the numbers and look at all the graphs for yourself. I just wanna give you sort of the sort of the gist of what’s going on here.
00:24:25.090 –> 00:24:48.560
Dr. Shawn Talbott: but sleep supplement growth fell in 2022. Their predicted growth rate for 2023 is roughly one tenth of the 2019 pre pandemic rate. And the reason for that you can see this number right here. Melatonin, as a single ingredient made up 57.5% of the healthy sleep market in 2022.
00:24:48.560 –> 00:25:14.040
Dr. Shawn Talbott: You guys know what I think about melatonin. I certainly don’t think it is a healthy sleep. Approach right? It’s a it’s a very unhealthy sleep. Approach in a lot of ways. But if that’s what the market has been. And now consumers are really turning away from that. They’re not just gonna drop melatonin. They’re gonna drop melatonin and look for something else, and I’ll show you what they’re looking for in just a second negative news.
00:25:14.300 –> 00:25:36.650
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Here you can hopefully you can see my my cursor right here. Negative news hitting Melatonin in the headlines, particularly around children, but also around consistent high dose use. It’s conceivable that consumers went looking for other ingredients. And that’s exactly what happened. So Cbd sales tanked melatonin sales tanked. But there’s a lot of what people
00:25:36.650 –> 00:25:52.620
Dr. Shawn Talbott: really wants. Okay, here’s the editorial written by written by the editor-in-chief Rick, who’s a who’s a really good guy? We’re we’re known each other for for many, many years. The other. So I’m gonna talk about sleep. I’m gonna talk about mood. And then we’re gonna talk a little bit about
00:25:52.780 –> 00:26:21.390
Dr. Shawn Talbott: about about the gut brain access. But this is cool. I wanna read to you this. Several reports in the last year about how important eating right is for mood Us. News and world report tells us, quote how your diet can lead to depression. Medical news today says, quote ultra processed foods tied to higher risk of of depression. Washington Post explains that quote eating more vegetables may improve your mental health.
00:26:21.390 –> 00:26:27.240
Dr. Shawn Talbott: So this it it’s interesting. That the wider nutrition
00:26:27.450 –> 00:26:55.360
Dr. Shawn Talbott: industry is just starting to catch on to this idea that your mental wellness isn’t just a brain thing. It’s a gut brain thing. It’s a microbiome thing. It’s a whole body thing, which is, I think again, is is plays right into the training that we’re all going through, and the and the and the businesses that we’re building around being a certified mental wellness coach. Okay? So each of these articles that I’ve given you is about
00:26:55.360 –> 00:27:04.339
Dr. Shawn Talbott: this one. This one that we’re looking through right now is about sleep. So it’s talking about how Melatonin is going down house. How hemp, Cbd, sales are going down.
00:27:04.560 –> 00:27:07.090
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and what else in here do I want to
00:27:07.230 –> 00:27:18.480
Dr. Shawn Talbott: focus on? Oh, this is this is really cool brain health is going up, so I’ll talk about that. Towards towards the end of my, of my of my comments on this on this
00:27:18.480 –> 00:27:41.959
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Nbj article but it’s it used to be. Brain health used to be something that older consumers were interested in almost exclusively older consumers. So the the sort of stereotypical customer for a brain health supplement was someone who’s getting a little bit older, someone who’s getting experiencing brain fog, someone who’s experiencing slight memory deficits, and they go.
00:27:41.960 –> 00:28:06.689
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Huh! My memory is not as sharp as it used to be. I need to take something to get me back to where I was before, right? So they’re trying to solve a problem. And you would see things there like pine bark and pomegranate extract and grape seed. And you know, thin things like that. But now what you see is that it’s becoming much more of a mainstream sort of thing. It’s middle aged people, not just older people.
00:28:06.690 –> 00:28:31.040
Dr. Shawn Talbott: It’s younger people. And so this is what I wanna point out here at the, at the top of the page. Younger consumers are looking to, not just hold on to but add to their cognitive skills. So this is the category, the emerging category of Noa tropics of somebody saying, Hey, I’m pretty good right now. But I wanna be better. Not that I’m bad. And I wanna get back to normal. I’m normal and I wanna be above normal.
00:28:31.040 –> 00:28:54.050
Dr. Shawn Talbott: I wanna be able to boost my brain. I wanna be able to, you know, have a have a natural smart drug, so to speak. So that’s really cool, because there’s lots of things that we can do there around nootropics. And you know we can. We can talk about mangal leaf, and we can talk about Leichi fruit. And we can talk about citicolines. And we can talk about all kinds of things that can be used as as brain boosters.
00:28:54.070 –> 00:28:55.100
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Okay.
00:28:55.170 –> 00:29:24.669
Dr. Shawn Talbott: so here’s a here’s another article here about the sleep market. Sleep sales go soft. But remember, that’s based on Cbd going down and Melatonin going down. And I wanna point out to you something here. So what they did in this part of the article is they? They asked. A bunch of sort of industry consultants, you know what they thought was was going on here. And I think this is interesting. So here’s here’s this right now. The majority of natural products targeted at sleep fall into 2 categories.
00:29:24.670 –> 00:29:49.490
Dr. Shawn Talbott: sedative botanicals, things like valerian, pasa flora, which is which is pass passion, flour, lemon, balm, chamomile. Those are all sedative botanicals. They are not sleep aids. And if you, if you guys watch my case against melatonin, I think that people and so you know, sedative botanicals and melatonin. Those are the 2 categories some of these industry experts are saying.
00:29:49.490 –> 00:29:56.240
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and if people are trading away from Melatonin and going to these sedative botanicals.
00:29:56.360 –> 00:29:58.200
Dr. Shawn Talbott: They will get relaxed.
00:29:58.220 –> 00:30:22.090
Dr. Shawn Talbott: but they will not improve sleep. Quality. So camomile II formulate with all of these right. I’ve used. I’ve used passion flour. I’ve used lemon balm. I’ve used camemil valerian. I’ve I don’t use in any Amari products, at least, yet it’s it smells like dirty socks. If you’ve ever smelled valerian root before it stinks. I made the mistake one time of
00:30:22.090 –> 00:30:30.589
Dr. Shawn Talbott: traveling with a pouch of valerian root, you know valerian root powder in my suitcase, and when I got to my destination I opened up my suitcase.
00:30:30.660 –> 00:30:42.880
Dr. Shawn Talbott: All my clothes smell like dirty socks. I had to find the laundromat and go clean them because they really, really stunk. So it’s something you can use in some kinds of products, but not in other kinds of products, because it has that very potent aroma.
00:30:43.030 –> 00:31:07.979
Dr. Shawn Talbott: But these don’t improve sleep quality. Right? That’s why, in the course, when we’re talking about sleep, I talk about things like 5 http. I talk about corn, grass and 6 mboa, and those sorts of things where those, I think, are a third category of potential natural products, where you can use these sedative botanicals to help relax you. You can go away from Melatonin, which is great.
00:31:07.980 –> 00:31:32.339
Dr. Shawn Talbott: But then you want something that’s actually gonna help you regulate your sleep cycle, so you spend more time in rem where your brain recovers and you spend more time in deep where your body recovers. So you know, most of the industry isn’t even looking at regulating a a like a sleep architecture. They’re just looking at these 2 choices. There’s melatonin, and there’s these these sedative botanicals. But
00:31:32.340 –> 00:31:37.430
we know that th that there’s more more more elegant solutions out there.
00:31:37.490 –> 00:31:55.709
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Okay, what else have we got here? Oh, so my favorite part of the of the report this November report. The gut brain axis comes of age, and if you read through this whole article like I said, I’m not. Gonna I’m not gonna go through every single highlight here, but if you read through this you’ll you’ll get the impression
00:31:55.870 –> 00:32:20.620
Dr. Shawn Talbott: that the the wider industry, still thinks that it’s very, very early days with the gut brain access, as it relates to mental wellness. Right? So you know, at Amari we started selling gut brain access products in the beginning of 2018. So 1819, 2021, 2223, we’re at the end now of our sixth year of being able to take that cutting
00:32:20.620 –> 00:32:37.250
Dr. Shawn Talbott: science and put it into a product and deliver it to a customer to help them to help them feel better. So it is early days, I guess, if you think of it sort of sort of historically, of where it’s gonna be in 5 years or 10 years or 20 years. Right? We are in the early part of that science.
00:32:37.250 –> 00:33:03.050
Dr. Shawn Talbott: but from a from a, you know, ability to harness it. We we’ve at least been doing it for 6 years. So it’s not like, it’s not like something we just learned about yesterday. But th what you’re gonna see is th this idea of more and more companies jumping on the bandwagon of saying, Hey, probiotics aren’t just a gut thing. They’re a mental wellness thing. They’re for your for your mood, state, they’re for your fatigue. They’re for your angras
00:33:03.050 –> 00:33:11.240
Dr. Shawn Talbott: for your sleep, you know again, which is which is really our whole story as certified mental wellness coaches
00:33:11.240 –> 00:33:36.059
Dr. Shawn Talbott: people are starting to use this terminology more this terminology that we’ve been using for years this terminology around psychobiotics, that there are some probiotics that help with your immune system. There are some probiotics that help with your your gut motility and your regularity. There are some probiotics that help with your appetite and your metabolism. And there are other probiotics that help with your mood state.
00:33:36.060 –> 00:33:42.370
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and those are the ones because they have a psychological effect. We call them. We call them. We call them psychobiotics.
00:33:42.370 –> 00:34:07.310
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Okay, let’s see, what else in here do I? Wanna highlight. We’re moving beyond probiotics. One. And I think we’re. I think that the the mental wellness aspect of it probably is probiotics. 2. But I think probiotics 3 is something that we’re just starting to dabble in here at Amari, which is using probiotics to change.
00:34:07.610 –> 00:34:23.069
Dr. Shawn Talbott: metabolism, right? So probiotics that change appetite signals coming from your gut and probiotics that are changing fat storage signals going to your adipose tissue and probiotics that are changing. So
00:34:23.070 –> 00:34:47.589
Dr. Shawn Talbott: stress sensitivity signals going to your adrenal glands, for example, right? So you know, it’s it’s it’s it’s really exciting times when you’re when you’re when you’re able to do that. But you’re gonna see more and more companies coming out with probiotic for this, and a probatic for that, and probiotic for the other thing. But it and it all comes back to this concept of probiotic strain specificity, which is which is the soapbox that you guys hear me get up on all the time.
00:34:47.590 –> 00:34:54.280
Dr. Shawn Talbott: And then this last part of the report I thought was important to just to just include for you guys, because
00:34:54.350 –> 00:35:23.060
Dr. Shawn Talbott: we’re starting to see this, this really focus on kids. It’s not just an adult thing. So when we talk about sleep products, and we talk about mood products, and we talk about gut, brain access and psychobiotics, etc., it’s it’s sort of trickling down, if you will, into kids. And so organizations like spins which are looking at kind of they look at trends, and they look at what parents are looking for, and they look at what is being purchased.
00:35:23.060 –> 00:35:31.209
Dr. Shawn Talbott: We’re starting to see more tracking around mood and stress and mental focus and things like that for kids, because
00:35:31.220 –> 00:35:33.839
Dr. Shawn Talbott: parents are sticking, starting to look for
00:35:34.000 –> 00:35:55.269
Dr. Shawn Talbott: things besides melatonin things besides Prozac things besides Ritalin things beside all of those sort of synthetic options to get their kids to perform their best and get their kids to, to to feel their best. And so there’s a lot of innovation. Now, around mood and mental health supplements specifically targeted to kids. And you know.
00:35:55.280 –> 00:36:20.210
Dr. Shawn Talbott: we talk about a lot of those here in this. In this course, right? We talk about saffron and its ability to show equivalence to ritalin for kids, for focus and equivalence, to pro Zac for kids with with for teenagers with depression. We talk about how pine bark and and theanine are first line therapies for Adhd
00:36:20.210 –> 00:36:44.170
Dr. Shawn Talbott: in other parts of the world, you know, in in Asia, for example, and how there are. There are lots and lots of natural options that are really well substantiated, but they haven’t kind of moved into the mainstream where most parents are even aware of them. Right? I you know, III say this, when I talk to roomfuls of parents right, I’ll I’ll ask the question. I’ll say, if you knew
00:36:44.170 –> 00:37:06.080
Dr. Shawn Talbott: that there was a natural option out there that was as good as Ritalin for focus, or was as good as pro Zac for depression, or was as good as whatever for your kids. Wouldn’t you wanna try a natural option before you tried a synthetic option, right? It doesn’t prevent you from going to that synthetic option. If you think that that’s what you need to do. But why wouldn’t you try a a natural option to see if we can
00:37:06.080 –> 00:37:26.010
Dr. Shawn Talbott: balance your kids just enough to help them sleep or help them focus or help their mood, or help something and and if that doesn’t do it, then then you can go to the synthetic option, as you know, plan B, or plan C, or plan B. But please please don’t use it as plan A, you know, because of, you know all the side effects and things like that that you can get. So
00:37:26.010 –> 00:37:48.960
Dr. Shawn Talbott: this spins. Data is showing that sleep and mood for children grew triple digits in 2021 mood supplements are still growing by nearly 80% in 2023, and part of it, they think at least, is because of the destigma destigmatization around mental health, which is a wonderful, wonderful thing, the more that we can see this.
00:37:48.960 –> 00:37:56.020
Dr. Shawn Talbott: the more that we can promote that as mental wellness coaches to say, Hey, you know, it’s not a question of
00:37:56.020 –> 00:38:20.989
Dr. Shawn Talbott: illness versus non illness. It’s this whole continuum, this this mental wellness continuum, where sometimes you might have, you know, depressive thoughts or anxious thoughts, or you might be burned out, but we can move you up that continuum to help you feel better and better and better, so that you become a better version of yourself in all these different ways. Your sleep better, your mood is better, your focus is better, your energy
00:38:20.990 –> 00:38:35.949
Dr. Shawn Talbott: better. Your mental clarity is better. You know. Blah blah blah! All the all the things. But II just II wanted to emphasize this to you guys because, as mental wellness coaches, sometimes we are fighting against a headwind out there
00:38:36.140 –> 00:38:59.269
Dr. Shawn Talbott: in the world. Right? We wanna talk to people about destigmatizing mental health. We wanna talk to people about natural solutions. We wanna talk to people about how you feel is not just in your head. It’s also in your gut, right? All that kind of stuff, and the wider world is very often not aware of this stuff, and because they’re not aware of this stuff because it because it hasn’t become mainstream yet.
00:38:59.270 –> 00:39:27.349
Dr. Shawn Talbott: The like. The knee-jerk reaction is to say, I don’t know about that right? I haven’t heard about that yet. I haven’t read about that in my, you know, normal women’s health, or we, whatever magazine you know that it is that you read. So it’s good for us, I think, to know that it is coming right, that that we’re on the innovative cutting edge here, and that, you know, sometimes being on the forefront means that we have to. You know, we have to sometimes get
00:39:27.850 –> 00:39:36.969
Dr. Shawn Talbott: maybe not ridiculed, but at least not listen to at the level that we need to. But you guys have heard me say this, too, and then I’ll and then I’ll open it up for people to talk
00:39:36.980 –> 00:39:39.010
Dr. Shawn Talbott: 5 years from now.
00:39:39.290 –> 00:39:57.799
Dr. Shawn Talbott: because it’s starting to become mainstream. People are gonna go, you know. You’re gonna say to somebody 5 years from now, you’re gonna say, Oh, microbiome and psychobiotics, or you’re gonna say, gut brain access, or you’re gonna say, how you feel is not just in your head. It’s also in your gut. The second brain. And the person you’re talking to is gonna say.
00:39:57.900 –> 00:40:16.789
Dr. Shawn Talbott: well, no, duh, everybody knows that right? And like, I can’t wait until we get to that point, because then it’s gonna be more of this mainstream thing. And then people are, gonna be more accepting of it. And it’s it’s gonna be easier for us to tell our stories. So, anyway, with all of that, let me go back into the chat and see
00:40:16.790 –> 00:40:33.770
Dr. Shawn Talbott: what we’ve got here, if there’s any questions. So there’s some people who are interested in doing a doing a class next week, so I’ll try to set it for Tuesday. So that we don’t get so that we go. We don’t interfere with the with the Thanksgiving holiday here in the here in the Us. Okay, so
00:40:33.930 –> 00:40:40.019
Dr. Shawn Talbott: let’s see teenage boy acne so at the at the top of the call, I don’t know
00:40:40.050 –> 00:41:08.340
Dr. Shawn Talbott: jay weaver when you tuned in it looked like you tuned? You asked. This is 705, so you might have missed at the top of the call. Somebody else was asking about acne in teenagers and ignite for him, or ignite for her, because they have those adaptogenic herbs in them that help to balance sex hormones. You’re not go. Here’s here’s the here’s the concern in parents with teenagers.
00:41:08.400 –> 00:41:31.940
Dr. Shawn Talbott: You think you’re gonna take an herb like Cordyceps or Tonga Ali, or rodeiola in the, in the, in the hymn formula that’s going to boost testosterone levels in your teenage, boy. It’s not gonna do that. The way that these adaptogens work, whether it’s those 3 ingredients in ignite for him or the other ingredients that ignite for her, like Shadi or fenugreek.
00:41:31.950 –> 00:41:51.540
Dr. Shawn Talbott: The way that they work is is they are called adaptogens. So if your hormone level is low, it’ll bring it up to normal. If your hormone level is high, it will bring it down to normal. So adaptogens adaptogens are actually the the book that I’m working on right now. Adaptogens like
00:41:51.540 –> 00:42:02.020
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Ashwaganda, or some that I just listed shatovari, fenugreek, cordyceps, rodeeola, Tonget, le Rafuma. There’s a whole long list of them.
00:42:02.140 –> 00:42:05.050
Dr. Shawn Talbott: They help to balance different
00:42:05.050 –> 00:42:28.370
Dr. Shawn Talbott: different hormones, different neurotransmitters, so some will help to balance cortisol. Some will help to balance testosterone. Some will help to balance estrogen, some will help to balance serotonin or dopamine, or oxytocin, or whatever. And so you can choose the adaptogen based on what sort of an effect you’re trying to get right. Are you trying to calm somebody down. Are you trying to energize somebody? Are you trying to.
00:42:28.370 –> 00:42:53.169
Dr. Shawn Talbott: you know? Bring up a libido. Are you trying to? reduce a hot flash, right? So they can be used very strategically that way. And because they’re these collections of natural compounds, they really have that true rebalancing effect. And that’s something that synthetics don’t do because synthetics are typically one chemical entity. When we ex when we do an extraction on something like I,
00:42:53.170 –> 00:43:07.669
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Gandhi or shatovari or cordyceps. We get hundreds of bioactives, and it’s sort of like the way I explain it is a synthetic when it’s one. Chemical entity is a very powerful sledgehammer, whereas
00:43:07.670 –> 00:43:31.959
Dr. Shawn Talbott: a natural ingredient that’s extracted and maintains that sort of natural ratio of all those different bioactives is like using a thousand fly swatters. Right? None of them individually, as as powerful as that sledgehammer, but collectively they have a greater overall effect because they’re modulating at different levels, different receptors, different parts of the body all that kind of stuff. So
00:43:31.960 –> 00:43:37.089
Dr. Shawn Talbott: anyway, hopefully, hopefully, that hopefully, that helps a little bit.
00:43:37.700 –> 00:43:41.069
Dr. Shawn Talbott: So let me see if there’s any other questions in here.
00:43:41.260 –> 00:44:08.719
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Yeah. Nutrition business journal is 1 99 a month for a subscription. It’s really expensive. So one of the advantages, one of the benefits of being a being in this course. Certified mental wellness. Coach course. Is that? I. I’m able to use some of these special reports. You know the Global Wellness Institute. Reports. They make their. They make their trend report that I just shared with you. They make that free for everybody. But some of the other reports about
00:44:08.720 –> 00:44:37.100
Dr. Shawn Talbott: you know about the about mental wellness, or about health coaching, or something like that are really really expensive. They cost thousands of dollars nutrition business journal. Ca, cost a lot of money. When you add up $200 times times 12 months, it ends up being being really expensive. So II ask you, with those reports, just use them for your own education. Don’t download the report and then and then upload it to Linkedin, or something like that. Right? That’s not. That’s not fair to everybody else. Okay, so
00:44:37.110 –> 00:44:40.770
Dr. Shawn Talbott: let’s see. See what else we might have in here.
00:44:40.950 –> 00:45:04.110
Dr. Shawn Talbott: I was. I hear all these stories about people taking Melatonin and Lauren put this in. I was taking Melatonin when I worked third shift, and it totally messed me up mentally. Yeah, it can mess up a lot of people. And in teenagers, especially, or middle schoolers, for example, that are just starting to go through puberty. It can really mess up their hormone balance, you know you don’t. Wanna
00:45:04.110 –> 00:45:22.849
Dr. Shawn Talbott: you don’t wanna mess up you know, mess around with that. Why is Hemp Cbd going down? Melissa is asking. Well, I think it’s because a lot of the Cbd products on the market were over promised. They were over, hyped a lot of the hemp. A lot of the Cbd products are purified. Cbd’s and they’re they’re
00:45:22.850 –> 00:45:30.510
Dr. Shawn Talbott: know they’re marketed to do everything under the sun. Right? So Cbd is one of a hundred or more
00:45:30.510 –> 00:45:35.910
Dr. Shawn Talbott: naturally occurring, naturally occurring Phyto cannabinoids in the hemp plant. So
00:45:35.950 –> 00:45:51.440
Dr. Shawn Talbott: what you know what I do when I when I do a hemp product, I do a full spectrum extract. So you get the whole hemp plant. You do an extract. So you get a hundred or 120, or a hundred 40 different endocannabinoids. Only one of those is Cbd.
00:45:51.440 –> 00:46:16.369
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and so we we know that if you give Cbd. Along with all the other cannabinoids. If you get what’s called an entourage effect that Cbd works better to lower anxiety or improve sleep, quality or reduce pain, or whatever it is that you’re taking hemp for right it, you know, back in the day everybody thought that it did everything. It does some good things, and it does those good things better when it has its naturally occurring
00:46:16.370 –> 00:46:18.949
entourage. Of of all those cannabinoids.
00:46:18.950 –> 00:46:39.180
Dr. Shawn Talbott: But most of the products on the market are just purified to be as high in Cbd. Only as possible, and so somebody would buy it and go. Well, it didn’t really help me sleep, or it didn’t really get rid of my pain, or it didn’t really help me with my anxiety or my stress, or my whatever. And I think it was this, this issue of
00:46:39.180 –> 00:46:54.439
Dr. Shawn Talbott: the marketing hype didn’t match up with what a lot of the products actually were doing. And so people tried them and just went. Yeah, I tried. It didn’t work for me. So I’m gonna move on to something else. So we saw this huge spike, especially through the pandemic
00:46:54.440 –> 00:47:10.259
Dr. Shawn Talbott: right before the pandemic, and then through the pandemic huge spike in Cbd products. And then, after the pandemic, they went away, you know. So I think it’s I think it’s a you know, a matter of you know they didn’t. They didn’t match the hype. And so people are going away from them.
00:47:10.420 –> 00:47:37.979
Dr. Shawn Talbott: So somebody is saying, Here, Caitlin saying, pregnant and postpartum brain fog. Yeah. Baby brain cleared completely with happy juice plus kayani on that on ON stands for optimized nootropic has some really good ingredients in that product leveled my brain up also off my Avhc. Med since January. That’s fantastic. I love to hear that kind of stuff because there’s so much benefit that we can get from these natural ingredients.
00:47:37.980 –> 00:47:49.289
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Does kids come help with with with good sleep. Yeah, that’s its whole idea. So kids, calm is a new product that we launched at Amari about.
00:47:49.450 –> 00:48:15.289
Dr. Shawn Talbott: what is it now? It’s middle of November we launched that middle of September. So it’s been out for 2 months now, I guess. It’s a gummy version of our sleep plus product. So sleep plus the main ingredient in. There is something called corngrass that I talk about a lot in the sleep module here in the here in the certification course. So you know, with kids calm. The reason that the marketing team at Amari decided to call it calm
00:48:15.290 –> 00:48:31.599
Dr. Shawn Talbott: is because we wanted to take advantage of the fact that corn grass doesn’t only help you sleep. So the advantage of corn grass is that it gives you that building block, that pot, that natural polyphenol called 6 mboa, and your body uses that as a building block at night
00:48:31.600 –> 00:48:46.040
Dr. Shawn Talbott: to make Melatonin. So you get good quality sleep, but it also during the day uses that same building block to make serotonin. So you’re commer. You’re happier. So what is the tagline they have on that product? It’s something like
00:48:46.220 –> 00:49:12.550
Dr. Shawn Talbott: kids. Come, relax, wind down and sleep, or something like that, right? So to to sort of expand the usage of that that you can use it to help your kids sleep, but you can also help to use it. Use your your kids to be happier and to help your kids. Sort of you know, de-stress at the end of the day. Okay, so it’s and that’s great. Because now parents are starting to use corn grass for the for the for the same same bunch of reasons instead of exclusively
00:49:12.610 –> 00:49:14.599
Dr. Shawn Talbott: as a as a sleep product.
00:49:14.620 –> 00:49:15.730
00:49:15.810 –> 00:49:20.999
Dr. Shawn Talbott: So let’s see what else is in the chat here.
00:49:22.150 –> 00:49:46.670
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Speaking of hot flashes. So Wanda’s asking a question here about about hot flashes, and I know that Wanda has has asked a question in the discussion group or in the discussion area on canvas about hot flashes. She’s looking for more information about hot flashes, night sweats, hormone balance that kind of stuff. So any other students that wanna jump in there in the discussion area and share, you know your advice.
00:49:46.670 –> 00:50:01.340
Dr. Shawn Talbott: share your experiences. That would be. That would be, II think, very, very appreciated. It’s one of the things I love about the discussion area is that people can post questions there, and I can go in there and answer them. But a lot of times other students are going to have.
00:50:01.340 –> 00:50:21.610
Dr. Shawn Talbott: you know, their own perspective on things. So that I want that discussion area to be as kind of, you know, dynamic and helpful, and, you know, cooperative as possible. Right? The whole wisdom of wisdom of the crowd. Kind of thing. Right? You guys are gonna have good ideas. That are that are, you know. Gonna add to what I might add in there. So speaking of hot flashes, is it possible
00:50:21.610 –> 00:50:27.960
Dr. Shawn Talbott: to go through menopause without them? Does that speak to hormone and balance?
00:50:28.380 –> 00:50:47.429
Dr. Shawn Talbott: I don’t know. That’s a that II don’t think you’re gonna be able to completely use natural ingredients to prevent hot flashes or prevent night sweats, but I think they’ll be lessened. So a lot of times. The feedback that we hear from women that start using things like shadow and fenugreek
00:50:47.430 –> 00:51:08.379
Dr. Shawn Talbott: during during menopause is that they have fewer hot flashes and fewer night sweats, and the ones that they have are lower in intensity, so that they’re so that they’re able to deal with them better. Right? So that’s a pretty good thing. Some women will use those herbs along with hormone replacement therapy, so they might be taking an estrogen
00:51:08.440 –> 00:51:31.670
Dr. Shawn Talbott: or an estrogen progesterone blend. Some will do nature identical, some will. Do, you know, more more sort of the synthetic route? That’s a very, very individualized sort of a thing. So you know, that’s that’s something you’ll have to talk to your, you know, to your prescriber about. But you know that’s gonna you know you’ll you’ll you’ll find your sweet spot, so to speak. Okay.
00:51:31.670 –> 00:51:42.829
Dr. Shawn Talbott: let’s see what Maryell is saying. Here I have a friend who can’t do any of the sugar substitutes stevia antibiotics is a no for her
00:51:42.830 –> 00:51:58.489
Dr. Shawn Talbott: nor the taste of edge, and but she likes the way she fe. She likes the way happy juice makes you feel switching out a pomegranate line for dragon fruit. She hasn’t there any pills she could stake for us for a similar effect. Yeah. So if somebody can’t do
00:51:58.510 –> 00:52:16.019
Dr. Shawn Talbott: something like happy juice because they can’t do edge, or they can’t do energy, or they can’t do something like that. I just, I just posted something on any question. And I and I posted it up to Instagram and to Tiktok and to Facebook about these natural sweeteners. So
00:52:16.020 –> 00:52:40.939
Dr. Shawn Talbott: when I formulate, I use a lot of natural sweeteners. Sometimes I’ll use stevia, sometimes I’ll use Xylitol, sometimes erythritol, sometimes monk fruit, sometimes contempt. Face sometimes extracts of cane sugar that are called reb, re, robotic side M. Which is differentiated from the robotic side. A. That you get from Stevia. There’s all kinds of sweeten, sweetener compounds that we can get from natural
00:52:40.940 –> 00:52:42.480
00:52:42.480 –> 00:53:05.740
Dr. Shawn Talbott: that they differ in. How they sweeten. Some of them are are more like bright sweetness. Wh, which means you you taste it early, and then, and that fades away. Some of them are more long. Term sweetness where you don’t taste it right away. You taste it at the end. Some of them have bitter notes, some of them, don’t, you know. Sometimes we’ll mix them together. What I was posting about is the fact that
00:53:05.890 –> 00:53:26.710
Dr. Shawn Talbott: we’ll use different sweeteners depending on the active ingredients that we have in the product. So sometimes Stevia matches well, with a particular, bitter bioactive. Sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes Stevia can make your your active ingredient even more bitter. And that’s not something that you want. So like. We do a lot of
00:53:26.710 –> 00:53:45.850
Dr. Shawn Talbott: back and forth and trial and error about? Should we use Stevia? Should we use sugar alcohol? Should we use a combination? Should we use a combination of actual sugar which I know. Sometimes freak people freak out about like. We can use a little bit of sugar along with a little bit of stevia to get an overall. Better sweetness experience.
00:53:45.850 –> 00:54:01.169
Dr. Shawn Talbott: But if people can’t do any of those, they’re kinda stuck so we’ve got lots of different options. Out there we have sugar versions. We have sugar, free versions, but if you can’t do any of those, the next best thing is mood, plus. And that’s a capsule
00:54:01.170 –> 00:54:25.659
Dr. Shawn Talbott: right? And the reason that that’s a capsule is because the herbs in there are so bitter that no sweetener is gonna take care of them. They’re just really really bad. We can’t put any of those at the levels that we use. We can’t put any of those into a into a drink mix or a you know, fruit flavored powder. They just they just still taste awful so that’s why it has to go in a capsule. So I would say, I would say for your friend
00:54:25.690 –> 00:54:50.409
Dr. Shawn Talbott: that have her try mood, plus, because that is something that has 4 really really potent botanicals, one to help with depression, one to help with anxiety, one to help with stress, and one to help with tension, and all of those together increase overall resilience, so that might be what she’s going for. So if she likes, how happy juice makes her feel! But she can’t tolerate those high intensity sweeteners.
00:54:50.470 –> 00:55:05.149
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Then mood, mood plus might get her to the same place, through some through some different mechanisms. Okay, so let me see what the time is. I’ve got about 8 min until the top of the hour, and then I gotta run so let me go back to to Julianne. I’m gonna ask you to unmute
00:55:05.260 –> 00:55:06.920
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and see what’s on your mind.
00:55:08.400 –> 00:55:16.069
Julianne Muhlestein: Let’s see. So I’ve heard you talk about the specific blends
00:55:16.110 –> 00:55:32.259
Julianne Muhlestein: of products that we of ingredients that we have in some of the products, and that you said that it’s those specific bins have clinical trials on them, so that we know they have specific results. And so you don’t want to mess with that.
00:55:32.500 –> 00:55:40.180
Julianne Muhlestein: So my question is, when we’re combining so like, I’ll sit down and I’ll have multiple supple supplements at the same time
00:55:40.430 –> 00:55:47.330
Julianne Muhlestein: and eat. So I you know all sorts of things are being mixed in my microbiome. So how? How does that?
00:55:47.330 –> 00:56:12.230
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Let’s say we do a study on fundamentals. Right? So in fundamentals, it’s 3 products. Many of the individual ingredients have been studied. So you know, each of the 3 probiotic strains have been studied, and each of the 3 prebiotic fibers have been studied, and
00:56:12.230 –> 00:56:26.039
Dr. Shawn Talbott: many of the individual phytonutrients have been studied right? So you line that all up. And it’s it’s dozens of clinical trials on those individual ingredients. Now you put them all together in antibiotics and meant to sink
00:56:26.040 –> 00:56:54.840
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and meant to focus. And then you put all those together in fundamentals. We can do a trial on fundamentals. We’re not gonna do a trial on antibiotics. And then a separate trial on mental focus, and then a separate trial on mental sync, and then a separate trial on all 3 of them together, because then, like, like all the permutations, just get to be mind-boggling, and then somebody uses fundamentals or they use happy juice. 3 other products, right antibiotics, edge energy, same scenario.
00:56:54.840 –> 00:57:04.430
Dr. Shawn Talbott: many ingredients, many ingredients, many ingredients, several products different and a product pack. So now what happens when somebody uses happy juice and they put
00:57:04.430 –> 00:57:30.660
Dr. Shawn Talbott: on mood. M, you know, mood plus which I just talked about. Mood plus has 4 ingredients well, has 8 ingredients but 4 that have a lot of clinical trials on them. It just gets to be mind boggling when you think of all the different permutations across now 30 different products and studying all the different combinations. So I come back to this idea of we do as many trials as as we feel comfortable doing to
00:57:30.660 –> 00:57:37.990
Dr. Shawn Talbott: able to give reasonable confidence that we can say to somebody, you know what? Even if you don’t care about the science, if you try this.
00:57:38.460 –> 00:57:45.059
Dr. Shawn Talbott: we on average, we think it’s going to make most people feel a lot better in these particular ways.
00:57:45.110 –> 00:58:01.179
Dr. Shawn Talbott: But then, when you start getting more and more collections, then we kind of have to fall back on the idea of a whole foods diet right? There are no studies. Well, there are studies that show the difference between a standard American diet
00:58:01.180 –> 00:58:21.399
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and a Mediterranean diet, for example. But then there aren’t studies that show all right. How about if you do this Mediterranean diet versus this Mediterranean diet versus that Mediterranean diet. There’s all sorts of versions of the Mediterranean diet. You would never be able to do a study where you compare a whole bunch of different versions of them. But on average
00:58:21.400 –> 00:58:47.989
Dr. Shawn Talbott: the the effect is there right? And so this is one of the reasons that we have a policy at Amari when we’re selling products is to say to people, Look, we’re doing our best, choosing research back ingredients, doing studies when we think it’s appropriate on the combinations to say, you know what? Try it yourself in your own life, with your own background of stress, with your own background of of whatever your diet looks like, with your own background of genetics.
00:58:48.010 –> 00:58:53.929
Dr. Shawn Talbott: and we’ll give you your money back if it doesn’t work for you right? So that money back guarantee, I think, is really important
00:58:54.110 –> 00:58:59.869
Dr. Shawn Talbott: in this new world that we’re living in, where we’re trying to be a science based as possible. But some of it is just
00:58:59.960 –> 00:59:09.110
Dr. Shawn Talbott: you gotta try it and see how it works for you. Does that? Ho! Hopefully that makes sense. I lo! I lost your picture. So II so I’m not sure if you turned off your camera. But
00:59:09.230 –> 00:59:18.690
Julianne Muhlestein: I dropped the call for just a second, but I’ll go back and listen to part of that. But maybe a follow up, then, is there any like negative effects
00:59:18.770 –> 00:59:42.869
Julianne Muhlestein: from what you’re trying to gain by taking too much too many supplements like, maybe it takes away from oh, totally, yeah. And that’s and that’s one of the things that I really, II really try to educate people about. I run into people all the time when I’m out doing, you know, presentations around the globe where they’ll say, Oh, my, gosh! All of this sounds amazing. I’m gonna start doing probiotics and prebiotics, and all these
00:59:42.910 –> 01:00:07.100
Dr. Shawn Talbott: all these herbal extracts, and these vitamins and minerals and the proteins and the blah blah blah blah blah. And you know someone can get overly excited about it and say, like, why wouldn’t you wanna improve your mood and your motivation and your energy levels and your mental focus and your sleep quality and your hormone balance, and your your metabolism and your appetite and your, you know, like you can definitely
01:00:07.400 –> 01:00:22.299
Dr. Shawn Talbott: take too many things. It’s not so much in in the product line that we have at Amari. You will at least at this point you will not get into a situation where you’re starting to get interferences and overlaps and overdoses and things like that.
01:00:22.300 –> 01:00:38.750
Dr. Shawn Talbott: The line right now is small enough and focused enough where the products are are designed to be stacked with each other. But I don’t want people stacking 30 products. I prefer people to say, what are my top? 3 biggest concerns? Alright, if it’s
01:00:38.750 –> 01:01:08.379
Dr. Shawn Talbott: if I’m fatigued all the time, and I can’t sleep. And I’m irritated. Let’s choose something that’s gonna solve those 3 big problems. And that might that might be happy juice plus mood. It might be fundamentals plus sleep it might be. You know, they’re gonna have to determine what that cocktail is for them. But I don’t want people, you know, taking 20 products. Right? That’s not. That’s not what this is all about. And as coaches, this is, this is the biggest value that we can bring to our
01:01:08.380 –> 01:01:13.530
Dr. Shawn Talbott: our clients is to say, let me help you figure out what are going to be the most appropriate
01:01:13.530 –> 01:01:38.510
Dr. Shawn Talbott: approaches for you. For some it might not even involve supplements at all, it might be. Let’s get you doing some breathwork. Let’s let you. Let’s get you doing a wind down routine before you before you fall asleep at night. Let’s get you to be more physically active. Let’s get you out in nature. Let’s get you to do something right. Some of that might involve supplements, or some of that might involve better nutrition, or whatever. But that’s our role as
01:01:38.510 –> 01:01:50.060
Dr. Shawn Talbott: coaches is to say, what’s gonna be the rest? The the the best regimen for you right now and then, as you get better over time, how are we gonna change that up. And you know, it’s it’s
01:01:50.270 –> 01:01:56.040
Dr. Shawn Talbott: hope. Hopefully, we’re going to be able to customize that for people and get them to where they need to be okay. Does that help?
01:01:57.130 –> 01:02:15.649
Dr. Shawn Talbott: Yes, thank you. That does. Okay. Awesome. And it’s just right at the top of the hour now. So I’m gonna shut it off there. I gotta run to another meeting. And I will. I will set up over the weekend. I’ll set up when when the Tuesday call is, gonna be okay. And if anyone has a particular time they would prefer like, if you want this time, like
01:02:15.650 –> 01:02:28.249
Dr. Shawn Talbott: 7 or 80’clock Eastern time, or if you want a lunch and learn, or whatever. If anyone has has preferences, let me know, and I’ll I’ll try to accommodate that based on all the requests. Okay, see, you guys, next time, thanks for joining.