We have just a few slots left for our research study on the immune-balancing and wellness-boosting effects of a natural yeast extract (CM-glucan)…
If you’re interested in getting some FREE measurements of your microbiome and inflammation – and seeing the impact on stress, mood and energy levels, please sign up before we’re full!
Sign up for our Research Study on Immune System Priming…
Help us evaluate the effectiveness of a natural yeast extract (CM-glucan) on measures of MOOD, STRESS, INFLAMMATION, and MICROBIOME BALANCE.
You’ll receive a 6-week supply of the supplement (CM-Glucan) or placebo and participate in 3 at-home measurement sessions, which include 2 quick surveys, inflammation and stress markers (at-home saliva sample kit), and microbiome (at-home stool sample kit). Plus, we’ll provide you with your personal lab results.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to contribute to science and potentially improve your own health!
Please email JulieTalbott@mac.com or call 508-830-1849.
Hi Julie. If there are any slots left for the study, I’m interested!
Hi Julie!!
If there are spots left for the study, I’m interested!