What’s Your Story?

Dr. Shawn Talbott (Ph.D., CNS, LDN, FACSM, FACN, FAIS) has gone from triathlon struggler to gut-brain guru! With a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry, he's on a mission to boost everyday human performance through the power of natural solutions and the gut-brain axis.

Last Friday, I wrote about “Quitter’s Day” – the 2nd Friday in January where most people quit their New Year’s Resolutions – and I got a lot of questions about how to help people “not quit” and maintain progress toward their goals.

One of the very best approaches is to use “narrative psychology” to increase your sense of empowerment and self-discipline – this is basically a fancy way of saying that you need to “write your own story” to support your motivation.

As I’ve written about in Mental Fitness, writing your story (actually writing it down) can powerfully shape our resilience to stress and improve our mental wellness.

It’s pretty easy to do this in a paragraph or two where we document our struggles, challenges, and redemptions – and ultimately view our future with the positive outcomes that we desire.

This approach is more robust than simplistic “happy thinking” – because research has shown that writing your “hero’s journey” can not merely change your perceptions, but it can better help you get into (and stay) in ACTION (which is how we actually make progress toward our goals).

Our February Mental Wellness Coach Certification in Phoenix is filling up – where we talk about many aspects of Positive Psychology, including mindset and especially how the Microbiome-Gut-Heart-Brain-Axis impacts mental wellness.

About the Author

Exercise physiologist (MS, UMass Amherst) and Nutritional Biochemist (PhD, Rutgers) who studies how lifestyle influences our biochemistry, psychology and behavior - which kind of makes me a "Psycho-Nutritionist"?!?!

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