Our Certified Mental Wellness Coach (CMWC) course will go ONLINE in January! (more details to follow)…
But, I’m wondering if there is enough interest in organizing Mental Wellness Coach Certifications in February?
New Orleans on January 31 and Feb 1 (Tuesday and Wednesday) – ahead of the Amare Leadership Summit on Feb 2-5.
Phoenix on Feb 19 and 20 (Sunday and Monday) – right after the Black City Canyon 100k trail run that I’ll be doing.
If there is interest in getting a group together for either location, please let me know (smtalbott@mac.com) and we can work out the details.
The Certified Mental Wellness Coach (CMWC) is a streamlined, focused, intense course spanning 16 hours of instruction (8 hours each day) in the role of diet and lifestyle factors in balancing the Microbiome-Gut-Heart-Brain-Axis for improved Mental Wellness.
Total costs are:
- Tuition = $1,500 per student (and you can bring a guest for FREE – or share the tuition)
- Food = included continental breakfast and coffee, healthy lunch, refreshments
- CMWC course materials
- 16 CEUs and Digital Badge from Marietta College
- Printed Workbook = includes 500+ slides ($100 value)
- Powerpoint slides used in the certification (500+ slides for your electronic library)
Background – Why Becoming a CMWC is Important
At no time in human history have we ever been so “advanced” technologically and yet so miserable psychologically.
It’s no exaggeration to describe stress, depression, anxiety, and burnout as epidemics – literally the “Black Plague” of our modern times.
How you feel is not just in your head, it’s also in your gut, and your heart, and your immune system, and in many other places inside and outside the actual brain in your head.
National surveys show that happiness and life satisfaction levels are at all-time lows, while depression, suicide, drug addiction, and use of prescription antidepressants and pain-killing opioids are at all-time highs.
There is no physical health without mental wellness. They are two sides of the same coin, and they are vital for each other and for our ability to reach our peak potential in this one life that we have to live.
The CMWC will explore research-supported natural approaches can improve how we feel mentally and perform physically in every aspect of our daily lives, including:
- What is Mental Wellness Coaching
- Education, Guidance, Training, Support to help unlock potential
- Why EVERYONE needs a coach!
- What Mental Wellness Coaching is NOT
- Counseling, treatment, prescribing, medicine…
- Objectives
- Workshop Format
- 500+ slides (many for reference)
- Part 1 – Science
- New Paradigm of the Gut-Heart-Brain-Axis
- Science-based products (how Amare fits)
- Mental Wellness Economy
- Science Deep Dive
- Part 2 – Practice – What to DO?
- Mindset
- Ingredient Sourcing
- Functional Nutrition
- Immune System
- Stress
- Gut-Brain-Axis
- Endotoxemia / Metabolism
- Heart-Brain-Axis
- Physical Performance
- Sleep
- Anti-Aging