Your Fiber Deficiency…

Dr. Shawn Talbott (Ph.D., CNS, LDN, FACSM, FACN, FAIS) has gone from triathlon struggler to gut-brain guru! With a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry, he's on a mission to boost everyday human performance through the power of natural solutions and the gut-brain axis.

You almost certainly need more fiber in your diet. In fact, fiber might be the MOST important nutrient for you to focus on?

The national recommendations are around 30 grams per day – but most Americans only get around 15 grams or less (mostly because we’re not eating enough fruits and vegetables).

This lack of fiber has serious implications for not just your gut, but also the health and performance of your brain, heart, immune system, and virtually every aspect of your health.

I did a quick segment on my monthly Fresh Living visit (KUTV – CBS channel 2 in Salt Lake City) – you can see the clip here

I’m also doing a Deep Dive about “Why you need more fiber – and how to get it” tonight at 6pm PST – which you can join via Zoom at (password = “amare”) or on Facebook

About the Author

Exercise physiologist (MS, UMass Amherst) and Nutritional Biochemist (PhD, Rutgers) who studies how lifestyle influences our biochemistry, psychology and behavior - which kind of makes me a "Psycho-Nutritionist"?!?!

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