Busy December for Amare

Dr. Shawn Talbott (Ph.D., CNS, LDN, FACSM, FACN, FAIS) has gone from triathlon struggler to gut-brain guru! With a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry, he's on a mission to boost everyday human performance through the power of natural solutions and the gut-brain axis.

The month of December is shaping up to be a very busy one for Amare Global – with events scheduled in Boston (2nd), Honolulu (6th), Oconomowoc WI (7th) and Palm Beach FL (12th) – all leading up to our Official Launch Event in Irvine CA on January 18-19-20.

If you’re in/near any of these cities, you need to come out to hear how Amare is changing the way the world thinks about (and improves) Mental Wellness – through modulation of the Microbiome and optimization of the Gut-Brain-Axis.

About the Author

Exercise physiologist (MS, UMass Amherst) and Nutritional Biochemist (PhD, Rutgers) who studies how lifestyle influences our biochemistry, psychology and behavior - which kind of makes me a "Psycho-Nutritionist"?!?!

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