Lots of people have been asking me to post larger versions of the poster presentations that I delivered at the Experimental Biology scientific conference in April 2012 – so here they are uploaded to the gallery.
These presentations were in FOUR different scientific sessions – which is important because it shows that the MonaVie products studied can provide “whole body” health benefits in a variety of areas:
Session: Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (Study: Effects of brown seaweed and licorice on blood glucose and weight loss in moderately overweight subjects) = https://bestfutureyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/talbott-eb2012-fucoxanthin-poster.pdf
Session: Biochemistry of Vitamins and Minerals (Study: Improvement in skin carotenoid levels assessed by reflectance spectroscopy) = https://bestfutureyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/eb2012-carotenoids-spectroscopy.pdf
Session: Energy and Nutrient Metabolism (Study: Effects of MonaVie RVL weight loss program on body composition and blood lipids) = https://bestfutureyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/eb2012-monavie-rvl-poster.pdf
Session: Metabolic and Disease Processes (Study: Acai juice with beta-glucan reduces URTI symptoms and improves mood state in stressed subjects) = https://bestfutureyou.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/talbott-eb2012-mmun-betaglucan.pdf
Hope you find these studies interesting…